
This is the taste of Hero Gin

What the manufacturer says about taste

How would you describe the character of the Hero Gin?
Fruchtig, Fein abgestimmt, sehr gut Pur zu trinken.
What is special about the Hero Gin?
Neben seinem besonderen Auftritt besticht der Hero Gin durch das feine Zusammenspiel aus Wacholder, Orange und Zitrone.

used in Hero Gin

6 botanicals used in Hero Gin. 4 of them are known.

Worth knowing

about the Hero Gin
This many bottles use more botanicals than Hero Gin. Compared to others, this gin uses few botanicals with its 6.
This many bottles are more expensive than Hero Gin. This gin at only 0.00€ is one of the cheapest in our database.

How did the idea for the Hero Gin come about?
Ursprünglich war der Wunsch einen Gin mit dem Superheldenthema ala Marvel zu verbinden. Durch die eigene Anlage auf dem Weingut meiner Eltern war der Hero Gin geboren.

The best Gin & Tonic

For a perfect Gin & Tonic with the Hero Gin we highly recommend the tonicwater Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water As a garnish we suggest: Rosemary

gintonic_article_link Gin Tonic Gin cocktails

Manufacturer's recipe

4Cl Hero Gin und 150ml Fever Tree Mediterranean auf Eis mit einem Strang Rosmarin als Garnitur

of Hero Gin

How is the Hero Gin made?
Der Hero Gin wird mit Botanicals aus öklogischem Anbau und in kompletter Handarbeit hergestellt. Vom Schälen der Botanicals bis zum Anbringen der Mäntel

Flavoring Unknown
Base alcohol Unknown
Distillations 2
Aged 30 days
Manufacturer Hero Wines - Christian Herzog
Master distiller Unknown
Bio certification -
Storage Edelstahltank
Bottlecap Holz, Kunststoff
Bottle material Glas

Hero Gin was manufactored as a Dry Gin. Characterisics are:
  • Juniper is often the dominant note
  • Addition of non-plant flavourings and ingredients is permitted
  • Addition of sugar and sugar additives is not permitted
  • Most popular gin variety worldwide
  • Classic botanicals in dry gin are citrus fruits, cardamom or coriander

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