
This is the taste of Hoos Lapsang Gin

What the manufacturer says about taste

How would you describe the character of the Hoos Lapsang Gin?
Kräftiger Gin mit einem Abgang ähnliche eines Single Malt.
What is special about the Hoos Lapsang Gin?
Die Rauchige Note

used in Hoos Lapsang Gin

16 botanicals used in Hoos Lapsang Gin. 2 of them are known.

Worth knowing

about the Hoos Lapsang Gin
This many bottles use more botanicals than Hoos Lapsang Gin. Compared to others, this gin uses many botanicals with its 16.
Lapsang Souchong
This botanical is only used in Hoos Lapsang Gin.

How did the idea for the Hoos Lapsang Gin come about?
Die Idee war es eine Gin mit Rauchnote zu kreieren.

The best Gin & Tonic

For a perfect Gin & Tonic with the Hoos Lapsang Gin we highly recommend the tonicwater Schweppes Dry Tonic Water

gintonic_article_link Gin Tonic Gin cocktails

Manufacturer's recipe

- 40 ml Lapsang Gin - Ginger Ale Glas: Tumbler; Garnitur: Orangenzeste Eiswürfel in den Tumbler geben. Lapsang Gin mit Ginger Ale auffüllen. Die eingedrehte Orangenzeste als Garnitur.

of Hoos Lapsang Gin

How is the Hoos Lapsang Gin made?
Auf Basis des Hoos London Gin und mazeration mit Lapsang Souchong Tee.

Flavoring Maceration
Base alcohol Getreide
Distillations 3
Aged 28 days
Manufacturer Heiko Hoos
Master distiller Heiko Hoos
Bio certification Unknown
Storage Unknown
Bottlecap Aluminium
Bottle material Glas

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