New Western Dry Gin

What is New Western dry gin?

New Western Dry Gin is a type of gin that developed in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century. It is a dry gin, but it has been mixed with additional aromas (botanicals) to such an extent that these are much more dominant than in a typical dry gin. Thus, the juniper aroma usually tends to recede into the background. After the classic gin lost popularity in the 20th century in favour of vodka, gin producers would like to arouse more interest in juniper spirits again. Thanks to the wide variety of additional aromas, this is possible thanks to New Western Dry Gin.The special thing about New Western Dry Gin is that it is provided with a wide variety of additional aromas. Thus, both lovers of sweet fruits will find a gin with a dominant mango aroma, and floral tastes will find a juniper spirit flavoured with rose.The New Western Dry Gin also has an alcohol content of at least 37.5%. By the way, with many gins it is not directly recognizable from the label that it is a New Western Dry Gin. This is because many producers opt for the generally known quality standard "Dry Gin" on the bottle. Whether it is a New Western Dry Gin or not can often only be clearly determined after research or tasting.

Taste profile of a New Western Dry Gin

The interesting thing about New Western Dry Gin is that it does not have the typical taste. Gins are produced whose botanicals completely mask the taste of juniper as well as those that are in harmony with juniper.Furthermore, the almost limitless variety and combination of additional flavours ensures that New Western Dry Gins are available in many different flavours. Either typical regional ingredients are used (such as gentian in the Alps or hops in Bavaria) or exotic ones (such as saffron). Instead of coriander, marigold or liquorice, which are often found in normal dry gins, botanicals are used which are not normally used. Many manufacturers decide on a dominant aroma, which appears first when you try it.As with dry gin, the addition of sugar is prohibited, so the perception of a dry gin is never completely lost. Slight nuances of sweetness, however, are found in gins that have been flavoured with fruit. In contrast to London Dry Gin, non-plant (artificial) flavours and colourings are also permitted. Whether these are actually used is entirely at the discretion of the manufacturer.

It should also be noted that some New Western Dry Gins have the juniper so far in the background that they are hardly identifiable as gin.

Production of New Western Dry Gin

Although there are no precise rules regarding the production of a New Western Dry Gin, it is usually produced like a (London) Dry Gin. This means that it is usually distilled at least twice, as this ensures a higher quality in the end product.However, with this type of gin it is not specified how often it must be distilled and at what time the botanicals are added to the base alcohol. The maceration process is used to flavour the gin. This involves diluting the base alcohol with water and adding the additional ingredients. This method is particularly popular for flavouring spirits, as the ingredients develop their aroma most strongly in comparison to other methods such as percolation.

What is the best way to drink New Western Dry Gin?

If you have only ever enjoyed gin as a gin tonic, you should try a New Western Dry Gin. After all, the distinct aromas can be perceived very well pure as a shot. Especially people who find a conventional dry gin too tart will find a New Western that they enjoy as a shot thanks to the great variety. This way, the different aromas of the botanicals are shown to their best advantage.Whether New Western Dry Gin is better served with or without ice depends on the particular gin. Especially those spirits in which earthy aromas like malt or liquorice dominate, unfold their full aroma best at room temperature. On the other hand, gins with a fruit as the main ingredient taste best with ice. For this reason, it is worth tasting the same gin both with and without ice cubes to find out which variant brings out the aromas best.But the New Western Dry Gin would not be a dry gin if it did not also make an excellent gin and tonic. In order for the aroma of the gin to be to the fore, however, a tonic water should be used that is rather dry and less citrusy.

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